The Winning Edge: Communication Strategies for Leaders

Start Date: Sep 18, 2017 End Date: Sep 23, 2017
Last Date for Application: September 5, 2017 Last Date for Early Bird: August 28, 2017
Programme Fee: 140000 INR

Plus, GST

Early Bird Fee: 130200 INR

Plus, GST

You are a competent manager and the boss of dozens, scores, or perhaps even hundreds of people. But do these people regard you as a leader? Does your communication radiate leadership? Do you wish you could engage with your followers more effectively?

If you are perceived only as a boss and not as a leader, you may be constantly facing a battle that seems to not go your way despite your great ideas and strategies. In these fast-changing times, you can no longer command compliance on the strength of your status alone. Your colleagues and subordinates have to willingly concede that you are their leader and follow you. Your ideas need to be sold to others if you want them to take ownership of implementing these and making them successful. Unless each individual is inspired to work towards the goals, these appear uninteresting and perhaps impossible to achieve. The spark of inspiration and motivation is to be provided by your communication as a leader. Working with people in a world where traditional hierarchies have yielded place to more flat structures, our biggest strength may turn out to be our ability to inspire trust, to establish credibility, and to earn respect. In order for your organisation (or department or team) to magnificently play a grand symphony in perfect unison, your role as the conductor rests on nuanced communication that touches each and every player.

Communicating like a leader will give you and your team the winning edge. What does it mean to communicate like a leader? There is no single, clear definition, nor a magic formula for a one-size-fits-all solution to the challenge of developing the necessary skills. Analysing various aspects of communicating as a leader and reflecting on our own style may make us aware of the need to modify our approach and to develop a communication style that radiates leadership. Such a style must suit our personality, strengths, values and circumstances. The Winning Edge helps you to reflect systematically on your current communication approach and strategies and to refine these so that they best serve your goals in your leadership position.

We invite you to take a week off and join us to reflect and ponder over what it means to communicate like a leader. In the process, you will sharpen your most important managerial tool and test it out on highly accomplished peers from other functional areas and other organisations. The experience could pave the way for a transformation for you, for your team and perhaps for your organisation.

We will sensitise you to the challenges of communicating as a leader and help you in reviewing your leadership style. This will put you on the path to honing your communication skills and developing strategies for effectively meeting a range of communication challenges as a leader. We will focus on:

  • Communicating as a leader
  • Delivering bad news well
  • Persuading rationally
  • Taking people along
  • Writing with impact
  • New media channels
  • Leading change
  • Speaking to inspire and motivate

We follow the participant-centered 'workshop methodology'. Various activities including group work, role-plays, case analysis and interactive mini-lectures are used to explore the themes. The focus of the entire programme is on helping you reflect on your styles and strategies rather than teaching you concepts. Be prepared to be stretched. You won't have a dull moment during the programme.

We expect you to have substantial managerial experience as a senior management professional heading an organisation, a division or a department. You may be from the private or public sector, academics, politics, government, NGOs – from any kind of organization, from any country. But you must be managing and leading people. You could be at any stage of the leadership journey but should bring with you a desire to raise your game to the next level.
