Call for Papers

The Third International Conference on Law and Economics, jointly organized by the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad (IIMA), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IIT Kanpur), and Gujarat National Law University (GNLU) will be held on 18th-19th, November 2017 at IIM-Ahmedabad, Gujarat India.

The Conference invites contributions in all areas of Law and Economics in the form of (a) full length scholarly papers documenting original and substantial research work, and (b) posters that present new ideas in early stages of development in a succinct format. Contributions are invited on theoretical, methodological, and empirical investigations with emphasis on novel economic analysis of law.

The Conference encourages submission of papers focusing on the economic analysis of law. Papers may be in any of the substantive areas of Law and Economics, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Basic Areas of Law and Economics Property, Contract, Tort Law and Product Liability, Forensic Economics, Criminal Law, Civil Law, Common Law, Constitutional and Election Law.
  2. Regulation and Business Law Antitrust, Business and Securities, Regulated Industries, Business and Cyber, Real Estate.
  3. Economics of Legal Procedure, the Legal System Litigation Process, Illegal Behavior and Law Enforcement
  4. Other Substantive Areas of Law and Economics Labor, Energy, Environmental, Health, and Safety, International, Tax, Bankruptcy, Family and Personal, Immigration, Human Rights, Gender.

We invite paper proposals that address one or several of the above mentioned topics. The proposals should consist of an abstract of 1000 words that clearly outlines the research questions, methodological approach, and relevance to the field of law and economics.

Proposals should be submitted to by 15th July 2017 and will be reviewed by an international review panel. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by 31st July 2017. Full papers are due by 30th September, 2017.

Conference Proceeding and Publication

We will publish all the paper shortlisted for presentation in a conference proceeding. In addition select high quality papers will be considered for publication in Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers - the journal of the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.

Guidelines for Full Paper

The full papers should preferably be formatted in the APA Style for formatting and referencing (Sample APA formatted paper). The full paper should be written in less than 6000 words, including tables, exhibits, references and appendices.

The manuscript should begin with a separate title page containing: the Paper Title, Author(s)’ affiliation and email ID, Abstract (Max 300 words), and Five Keywords with corresponding to JEL codes. The rest of the manuscript should not contain any author identifying information.

Guidelines for Poster Session

The Poster session is designed for a one-to-one informal discussion between presenters and the conference delegates. Presenters post their research and findings on a poster board illustrated by photos, charts, graphs, tables clearly labeled and elaborated using brief descriptions.

Poster shall be mounted on a bulletin board measuring ISO A1 size 59.4 cm (width) x 84.1 cm (height) (about 23.4 x 33.1 inch). The poster can be printed either on A1 size or A2 size sheet of paper. Please observe the indicated measurements, otherwise it may not be possible to present your poster.

Guidelines on Poster Layout and Design

Presenters are free to display their posters in portrait or landscape layout. For visual clarity presenters are encouraged to follow best practices for content layout in poster format typically used for scientific and academic communication. This link on visual grammar for poster presentations is a useful guide.

All posters should clearly include a title, name and affiliation of the presenters. Use Times New Roman font face for all the text in the poster. The font lettering of the title text should be at least 1 inch (2.54 cm or 72 point) placed on the top of the poster. As a general rule the text should be succinct enough to be read in under 10 minutes and should be clearly legible from a distance of 4 feet. Section heading font size should be at least 36 point.

Use illustrations — photos, diagrams, charts or other artwork — as the focal point of the poster and these should be clearly visible from a distance. Ensure that all the illustrations are clearly labeled. Select a color palette that draws attention to the key theme of the poster and avoid using color schemes that can be distracting from the focal message.


Handouts are optional, presenters can prepare a handout consisting of a short (less than 300 word) abstract, outline of research design, findings and conclusions. You may come with copies of your own printed material.


Presenters can prepare the posters using many freely available poster templates in MS Powerpoint, Mac Keynote, or other graphics editor software. Final online submission must be in Adobe PDF file format. Presenters are required to print the posters on their own and bring to the conference venue.