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June 2016
Abstracts of other articles published in refereed journals included in this issue
  • Expansion and Welfare in Microfinance: A Screening Model
    In Economic Modelling, 53, December 4, 2015, 1-7 (Online Reference: DOI:10.1016/j.econmod.2015.11.012)

    Viswanath Pingali and Ratul Lahkar

    The expansion of microfinance has triggered concerns of rising indebtedness, and higher default and interest rates. Using a screening model, we show that even if interest and default rates increase due to expansion, borrower welfare may improve. This is because: (i) all borrowers previously denied credit can obtain loans, and (ii) screening costs for pre-existing borrowers go down. Hence, policies that seek to regulate interest and screening levels can be counterproductive.

Abstracts of other articles published in refereed journals included in this issue

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