Indian Placement Reporting Standards


Conference on Placement Reporting Standards held on June 18, 2011 in Ahmedabad.

The conference on Placement Reporting Standards was organized on June 18, 2011 at IIM Ahmedabad. The conference was attended by representatives from B-Schools as well as recruiters, students, media, rating agencies and other stakeholders.

The conference attendees discussed the draft in detail and agreed to several modifications. This modified draft then went through a process of vetting at the respective institutions resulting in either an accept or reject decision. Further major modifications (if any) would be discussed after one round of implementation experience.

Based on the consensus reached during the conference, a detailed and modified draft titled INDIAN PLACEMENT REPORTING STANDARDS has been circulated to the B-schools, recruiters, media, ranking agencies and other stakeholders and uploaded on IIM-A website. As discussed in the conference, the institute expects the b-schools to inform within July 31st, 2011 regarding the acceptance/rejection decision.